
So at my ripe age of 36, I'm just starting to see the political process in action. It's a great time to be an American because there is a call to action. A call for a revolution in this country has been asked for and I want to be in there and help create an American that I can be proud of. I wonder who ever thought of having the presidential elections fall on the same year as the Olympics, but it doesn't hurt to be a jingoist.
I never knew who Joe Biden was before last night, so his speech was very important to me to listen to. And now that I've heard him, I'm more at ease with him being a Vice Presidential Candidate. He is convicted of how to deal with foreign affairs, just as he is assured as Barack will do the right thing.
I think one of the major points I'll take from last night is that Yes, a lot of the countries in the world hate us. And there's only one person to blame for this. GEORGE BUSH! I understand that in his mind, he needed to take the hard stance on everything. But it's not what I believe in. Thus, it's hard for me to say that I don't believe in this current president. He has taken a stance of being the Bully of the world, and being the president of the united states, it reflects so badly on all of us. That's why I liked one of the quotes by Frmr. President Clinton. "Diplomacy is first and military action is only used as a LAST RESORT!" The war in Iraq has gone on for too long. How many more Americans have to die there? I'm not going to vote for a person who wants to keep troops there for 100 years. Speaking as a military brat, realistically, that might happen. Shoot, we still have troops in Germany. But I would never say that if I was running for office. Numb Nut!
But I'm doing my part to try and listen to the "other side". It's to be sure that I am voting for the right person. I saw the "debate" at Saddleback, and I have to admit that I liked McKain's demeanor and candor when he answered the questions... well, that is until he stated very clearly that he only believed that a marriage can only exist between a man and a woman. i respect his belief, despite how backward his thinking is.
But I digress, Barack Obama is starting to look like someone I can believe in. Someone I am willing to help to make this country stronger. Don't get me wrong, this is still a great country and I'm very fortunate to be an American, but there's just so many things wrong with it's current inability to say that All Men (and Women) are created EQUAL! I'm hoping that Barack will be that person I can hold accountable to making this real american dream come true. An African-American male. A black man. Officially and Realistically can become the President of the United States. That's one step taken in the right direction for the rest of us... UNITED.
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