as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


so this is like my 3rd or 4th posting this morning! as a writer, one needs to write... constantly. it's so hard to be disciplined, but i have to.

passion. if i had to put into one word of i think a quintessential performer is and what they need to have - passion. the time spent upon the stage with whatever role you have should contain that emotion to make your character as believable to the audience member as they know you like their family member. to make them feel the same way you are feeling. happy begets smiles and laughter and saddness begets tears. passion means to not only bring your voice or body into the character, but your soul. and i believe that if you haven't had those feelings personally as your character needs, than i don't think you can create them effectively. living through the very bottom of where your soul is and being able to project them in front of an audience is one of the bravest and personally inspirational things a perfomer can do.

going through this and earlier shows, i'm remembering the passionate moments. i think that's what makes certain scenes you do... that cathartic sense you get of being on stage and when you immediately step off and start bawling is what makes that place feel like home. the magic of delving into your character...

to make a character real is 100% technique, which can be learned, and 100% passion, which can be experienced.

be brave.


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