Already missing RENT
I'm felling forlorn right now because I just found out that RENT is closing. I don't think that forlorned is even the right term i would use... I'm just really really sad. I've been a fan since 1997... let me rephrase, a loyal RENTHEAD for over 10 years and the show is closing on Broadway. To be honest, I've been, rather we've been, expecting this for a couple of years, but now that it's really happening. I was on ticketmaster trying to get tix for the last day, June 1st, but it was sold out for both times. I did however, find one ticket available for the Saturday show. I was really going to buy it, but then I thought to myself, I don't want to see it alone. Plus, when am I going to see it. Plus, I'm buying tix for the PI which reality reminds me that I can't go. Grrr... I hate being responsible! At the VERY least, I got to see the show with some of my CLOSEST friends, which is really how the show is supposed to be seen.
Looking back on the 21 times I've seen it, the greatest experience, other than seeing it with my friends, was watching the last performance of the Angel Cast in SF. Truly one of the greatest nights of my life when the proverbial fourth wall was torn to shreds as the cast stood there with tears falling after what seemed to be a 10 minute standing ovation BEFORE the opening number. From the beginning to the end, I've never felt so much emotion coming from both the audience and the artists themselves. Every song was met with the crescendo of applause, laughter, and at times very audible sobs. My Dallas and FOREVER RENT brother was there to my surprise, so that made that night more memorable and special. Michelle, who doesn't often publicly show saddened emotions, let me know that that night touched her. I was glad to know that especially since I felt like I was the one who was always dragging her to see it. But yeah, I don't think that there will ever be a time in my life when I was physically, mentally, and emotionally drained after watching a performance... much the same way I think that a lot of RENTheads back east will feel on that closing night.
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