as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Four Things...

About me

Four things about me that you may or may not have
known in any particular order. The directions are
at the end.

Four movies I've watched at least four times:
1. Grease
2. Karate Kid II
3. Sister Act II
4. A Few Good Men

Four Places I have lived:
1. Guam
2. Tacoma, WA
3. Vallejo, CA
4. Elk Grove, CA

Four T.V. Shows that I watch:
2. Heroes
3. Dancing With The Stars
4. Sports Center

Four places I have been:
1. Manhattan
2. San Diego
3. Waikiki
4. Makati

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. N*A*G*
2. Facebook
3. chie
4. the stiff

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mexican
2. Sashimi
3. ~silog
4. Psghetti

Four Places I would like to visit:
1. Melbourne
2. Paris
3. London
4. NYC
(The Australian, French, Wimbledon, and U.S. Opens)

Four Friends I think will respond:
1. Meb
2. Raine
3. Jen
4. Ben

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. This new job
2. Spending time with friends
3. Working out
4. Finding someone...


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