huh... a questionnaire?
stole this from Number 66!
1. Do you like blue cheese?
it's okay when i'm in the mood
2. Have you ever shot up heroin?
why is this question here? so random. and if someone's keeping score, no!
3. Do you own a gun?
4. Your favorite song?
so many for different emotional times.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
if ever I went to one, I'd be.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
can you say Kobeyashi?
7. Favorite Christmas song?
"Have Yourself a Very Merry Christmas" by the Pretenders
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
a GTSL :) yum! thanks to both of my lil sisters since '95 for sharing the joy of my favorite green lactose-free warm elixir.
9. Can you do push ups?
not anymore... but have to start.
10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
a necklace i recieved as pasalubong... sorry can't spell in inglish, nor in tagalog.
11. Favorite hobby?
making up stories and writing them for the stage.
12. Secret weapon to get the opposite sex?
my ability to remember every episode of Three's Company.
13. Do you have A.D.D.?
Another Dad Dreation?
14. What’s one trait you hate about yourself?
I can never get any work done at home!
15. Middle Name?
Almero, spank you very much.
16. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment…
1- man that lightning is hella close
2- i need to jet for marina soon
3- glad that mah friends can enjoy the happiness of looseleaf tea. who-woulda-known? i love it! jeez, louise after all these years of just drinking lipton... there's more than one flavor i can brew at home?
17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
1 - tix for Juno
2 - Nathan's Hot Dog - Kobeyashi, I'm coming for YOU!
3 - GTSL =p
18. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink
1 - GTSL
2 - Agua
3 - The Root of Beer brewed by Senior Barqs
19. Current wonder right now?
when's the rain gonna stop so I can get outta here!
20. Current hate right now?
Nada. No hatin' goin on up in here.
21. Favorite place to be?
Anywhere my friends are :)
22. How did you bring in the New Year?
with friends waiting for dick clark to be wheeled out at the strike of 12 like a big coo-coo-clock! but i really do love the man! fo shizz.
23. Where would you like to go?
NYC, with the caveat that my friends can go too.
24. Name three people who will complete this…
1 - ms. gigi van tran cuz she already did.
2 - rowena, if she'd come through...
3 - *shrug* yo no se?
25. Do you own slippers?
26. What shirt are you wearing?
a hecka too big dickies black shirt i bought for a play but when i tried it on during the rehearsals, it looked like i was wearing a fricken' Mrs. Roper Moo-Moo (ha! like the Three's Company reference?)
27. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
not if i'm gonna be slippin' all over the place.
28. Can you whistle?
that be a big 10-4!
29. Favorite color?
brown... or either Custard or Cheesecake? (a freebie Juno reference)
30. Would you be a pirate?
31. What songs do you sing in the shower?
a scrubba scrubba scrubba. a scrubba scrubba scrubba. a scrubba... you get the picture... well, you shouldn't! ew. hehe...
32. Favorite girl’s name?
i've always liked "clarke" don't know Y. just do.
33. Favorite boy’s name?
same thing... Clark, but without the E at the tail.
34. What’s in your pocket right now?
a chili cheese dog. oh, nothing.
35. Last thing that made you laugh?
a very obscure line in Juno where Jason Bateman's character says, "yes... keep it in the oven." HIGH-LARITY!
36. Best bed sheets as a child?
37. Worst injury you’ve ever had?
broken ankle after sliding on a small carpet while jumping onto it using the Crane Technique from Karate Kid. TRUE STORY! I broke my ankle. Honest to God, and I love God too much to lie about it.
38. Do you love where you live?
It's okay.
39. How many TVs do you have in your house?
40. Who is your loudest friend?
hehehe.... how about, loudest friend after a couple of Chocolate Cakes and Washington Apples! *sniffle* missing Joe Marty's :(
41. How many dogs do you have?
none, but miss millie loves me :)
42. Does someone have a crush on you?
gotta check my profile first... hold on.
43. What is your favorite book?
When the Elephants Dance.
44. What is your favorite candy?
whoppers. i was so disappointed when I didn't see the box at the movie theaters. i'm major lusting after some right now. mmmm... chocolate malted balls!
45. Favorite Sports Team?
GO NINERS!!! Forever, no matter how much they suck!
46. What song(s) do you want played at your funeral?
What good would it do, I couldn't hear it. What you want me to do, after my lil sister sings it, I'd sit up and start applauding? Seriously...?
47. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
reading Diablo Cody's blog! through sheer osmosis I want her mojo.
48. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
hmmm... the lights are still on.
49. What is your current job?
i start at on munday! can't wait!
50. When is your birthday?
in 49 days... but who's counting?
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