as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Feeding my own bit of Narcissism

Taken from my other blog which i maintain at the same time as this. I feel like I'm kinda back to feeling like a writer again, and I like how I wrote this, and I wanted to 'show and tell' this entry...


MRS. SHROEDER: Conrad, it's your turn for Show and Tell today. What did you bring?
TROPA23: I brought a blog entry.
KIDS: Ooooo...
MRS. SHROEDER: How wonderful. Now, remember what I said about the profanity?
TROPA23: Keep it to a minimum?
MRS. SHROEDER: Right. Now go ahead and show your tell.

And I'm posting this here to also feed my own bit of narcissism which I wiki'd to make sure I knew what I reference about myself meant exactly ( I needed to make sure that it didn't mean, "One who likes the smell of gasoline." Which I guess I could've kept cuz I do like that AM/PM 87 grade Regular Unleaded aroma. Well, until everthing starts to blackout. At any rate, I'm just letting ya know just how narcissistic i am. Just out in the open like that. I do something that I am 'SKIPPY with NUTS' about and I have to look at it over and over again. like this...


Hi... geez, getting back to this blog ( kinda makes me feel like I haven't seen the friend in a long time that I purposely didn't want to meet and now I fumble for the right excuse... not that I've ever done this or anything. lalala.

Anyways, as you can obviously see, I took a break from writing. Subconsciously, because of what happened at my last reading of the play entitled Leaving My <3 in SF. It went horrible. Understandably so. And as a creator of art, I should have the forethought of knowing that any sense of make believe I conjure up will be subject to ridicule, but... it hurt. Again, the battling forces of what my mind thinks and how my ego responds ensued. For the last couple of months, the emotional ego got the best of me.

The best cure against this kawawa moment of writer non-worthiness... a deadline. a producer from stories high (the one i'm secretly in love with can't say this cuz i don't need the drama... plus i'm a total dork around her - which might be possibly construed as a sign of liking someone. hmmm... dorkiness factored with the i like lust after you variability. but i digress...) called me and asked where was my script for a reading that's take place on one of my BEST friend's birthdays in a couple of weeks. If this script is selected, I hope it goes well... hint, hint.

here it is: the obligatory click here leads you to my new 10-minute play, LEAVING MY <3 IN SAN FRANCISCO.


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