as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

decisions decisions decisions...

i was plagued all day by thinking about pursuing an MFA. what would i accomplish by getting one. i've already spent 10 long years getting my BFA, well the very long way around to getting one, i got a great job from this degree... and what more am i thinking about. i guess it's just that i need more. i'm not really satisfied yet. and honestly, i'm not doing what i want to do, well, asides from being a playwright.

so i spent most of the day (at work) looking at the aac (yes, i still call that even they changed their name) website for info on their grad program. it'll be a 3 year program - 63 units - at $650/unit!!!! which comes to a grand total of $40,950! holy crap! as i already said, my first stint with them came in about $40K.

Breaking it down, I just have to know if this will be worth it? both from a career perspective and a personal fulfillment view. one thing about me is that i'm a NOMAD! i've never been one to stand still. i just always need to keep moving. it's sad, but i look at almost everything as being temporary. i say almost cuz the only thing i do believe in is the friendship that i have with my family in sacramento! and that's something that i had to re-learn over time. but other than that... it's even a miracle that i was with michelle for over nine years. ha! so given my personal philosophy that a lot of things in life are temporary, it's only natural that i feel that even this job i have won't last forever. since i've left home at 18 to go sac, i don't think i've ever lived in one place for over 3 years (except for sf). i've never had a job that lasted more than 2 years, which i'm just coming to with GAP. add to this, i get bored easy. my mind and imagination are always churning - a weird form of ADD! just can't keep still - which kinda begs the question of if i'll ever find someone to be with. adding to this, i'm having thoughts of if i go back to school and get my degree... in the back of my mind i've had thoughts of moving away. it's still just a THOUGHT! i haven't even applied yet! urgh! BJ, why'd you have to move away and plant these thoughts in mah head!?! hehe.

better jet and start working on my portfolio :)


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