as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

catchin up... sorta

it's getting late and i have to get sleep so i can wake up EARLY!!! but here's a short list of random thoughts i WOULD write paragraphs if i could:

- met up with the owner of Monster Desserts at Tanforan for a possible business venture with them. LR is takin' the lead on this cuz i trust him. had the strawberry ice! YUMMMM! i lyks. i'm down to help out.

- crazy times at work! too many projects with TOO MANY people calling me up for help. i don't mind except that i have so many other projects on my plate. hence wake up early tomorrow.

- wishing i can go up to sac on friday. wish i can just say, SCREW EM (i mean my WORK. I <3 my sac peeps!) and i don't care if nothing gets done. but can't... too responsible i guess.

- don't know why i've been putting off asking a specific someone out... saying that i'm busy is becoming a lame and boring excuse, especially since the show's over

- bought a MacBeth translation guide to read

- reading American Theater Magazine. learning about how theater is done around the world. great issue.

- the movement has been asked to perform on september 21st. a brand new piece about martial law. of course, in movement style, it's going to be a collaborative effort. right now, i'm 90% sure that i'm not going to be a part of it. my time in front or in the wings is done.... for now.

- can't wait for the AATC workshops to begin! i'm thinking up a lot of questions already to ask PKG:
- what is the process of writing a full-length play?
- how much time do you spend writing the back stories for your characters?
- do you get nervous when presenting a new work?

- had a really good time talking to my lil sisters in sac. i'm so blessed to have them in my life. just wish that i have more time to spend with them.

- sad that i lost two of my friends/co-workers at work :( i've been with keri and kevin since we went into bpr mode and now... *sigh* then again, it's all about change, and i have faith that it'll get better.

better get to bed.


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