Blah day in sf

Pitterings and patterings woke me up as drops of rain hit the skylight in my bathroom. Crap time to wake up. As you can see, my day started like most days in my head, in a fog. Tried to keep busy at work. It's kinda wierd being a "manager" now, but i'm kinda getting used to it. My staff of TWO, who are really awesome people, ask me questions now and again about stuff, and I tell them that I will follow up with the certain people, and even follow up before they tell me about their concern. I think i'm finally growing up. I've been given the opportunity to be a supervisor before, but i've always shunned the responsibilty with being School was my main focus and i didn't want it to be on work. It was just an excuse. I was thinking about it today during a little crisis, and just thought that if i had taken the lead spot at any of my old jobs then maybe i would've been a better manager today. but can't go back in time, so i'm just making do and learning as much as i can about taking responsibilty and trying to get my co-workers as involved as i am... and i'm lucky cuz they are proactive enough to do so. i'm kinda dreading when i have to do reports and recommend them for a raise and bonuses and stuff. gad i got old. now i know how michelle felt when i was her first employee under her when i first came in.

right now, i'm at an internet cafe called JavaRama on Park Street in Alameda. so cool, that i can now take a picture of something and then post it up on here! anyways, some blues music is playing overhead. i'm next to a window watching the cars go by. finally no rain! i'm glad that i moved here to alameda. it's not sac, but has it's own charm. anyways, i'm here to START A NEW PLAY/MUSICAL!!! not really start, since i first came up with the concept last May and I have the first 4 scenes handwritten, and the outline about complete. i have another one in the works, but this one's more for "entertainment" value. if the process for writing this is like the one i went through with "A Dream in the Garden of Memories" aka "Letting Go" then this is gonna be a long year. I'll write more when i get home. domo arigato gozaimasu.
It's ok, Kuya! Blah days here, too. =/. Love you! Welcome [back] to the Blogspot!!!! Hehehehe. I've gotten Kat and Haydee to convert, too. I feel like a Morman. Hahahahaha. =p
8:20 PM
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