as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to Normalcy

Maybe I'm overstretching the term normalcy, but whatever. I'm back in the Bay after a great time in San Diego. I got to see an orangutan at the SD Zoo! Actually a couple of them, but the funniest one was the one that kept on rolling all over the ground. That was hilarious! Other highlights were seeing Kung Fu Panda in IMAX, seeing the ridiculous portions of food at the Tractor Room, and loving the cornbread, attempting boogie boarding as to which I rode in a couple of waves, spending almost the whole day at mission beach with the burns on my feet to prove it, although they don't hurt in the least, watching Zohan, and being in the really silly mood i was in LOVED IT!, seein' Lil Spot at her bakery (i miss her mucho!). what a coincidink that it's right down the street. lesseee... oh the nature center was coo cuz we got to see a bald eagle tear into a rat! there's other things that i can't remember at 5:45 in the morning, but i think what i'll remember the most is connecting more deeply with some of my friends and really noticing what true friendship is.

there's just so much more to the term friendship when you take time to notice when a group people are really close, who share a deep history with each other. they love and care about one another. they finish each others sentences. they can keep each other laughing by putting on layer upon layer of new jokes that can almost be limitless. it's the trust that one has to be as goofy/stupid or to be able to say something either "way out there" or very personal without the fear of being chastised, ridiculed, or ignored. (i'm still working on that. especially the last part.) but in witnessing what this friendship IS, which can never be truly defined by definition, i have a deeper understanding of what I guess people say about our tribe - our family.

A description of me... from a composer I feel the closest too and miss.
"For someone who longs for a community of his own, Who's with his camera, alone?"



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