as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Getting sick...

A different kinda sick though. not sure what it is, but i've just been exhausted the whole week. no energy and constantly yawning at work no matter how much or how little i sleep. i've been used to getting between 5-6 hours of sleep a night and since i've been at this amount for a while, i'm usually fine, but lately. now the energy level has got me feeling blah.

i told this to one of my friends and she said, duh! of course. i've been doing a lot lately. it's a sign of stress and my body not really being able to handle EVERYTHING that's happening. bad feels like it turns to worse. just a lot of things aren't working out the way i'd want and it's hella stressin' me out!

to combat this stress, i went to the city on friday night to meet up with my CT, er... WCD, folks for happy hour at Zebulon in the SOMA. pretty cool place. good music. good food. :) oh yeah, good drinks. had a couple of shots of i don't know. got all the haps at the good ol gid. i did hear something from one of them that really made my whole week! i still don't think i'd go back, but with that place... i did leave a door open though, but i like my work and the people now, though my CT peeps will always be that - my peeps!

after that, we went back to the old office. things haven't changed a bit. it was a little strange going back there. there's still a part of me that can't believe that i worked there. i mean, it is a world wide recognized company. THANKS MICHELLE! let's put it this way, were it not for that job, i don't think i'd have much experience or "clout" if i never worked there. when my current boss introduces me to someone else at work, he always mentions where i worked before. i don't think of it as a big thing, but... it's nice.

oh, so we went back to work to look for an address on facebook for one of the producers address as she was going to have a "raging kegger" at her place off of market. so, me, olLead, plLead, and SuperSoccerWoman hopped in a cab and got over there. That's where I had the Goldschlager! Fricken olLead! he was funny though and i miss him at work. i got introduced to another drinking game. there was a minipool of beer and a keg and an assortment of other libations. OMG! was i at a house party on Palmer House again? (nobody would get this reference!) but yeah. I'm too old for this :)

took a cab to 16th/Mission bart to get back to west oakland to my spared car and got home okay. so much for a night of reminding myself that my body can't do this anymore... kinda like when i was "going out" with this 21 year old when i removed back to sac. it was an experience, but been there, done that, you know?

woke up with a little headache, but made it to sac for rehearsal. went well, but still felt worn out so i just mosied back home because of this pending illness.

and i'm here... ready to get some sleep.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fun times we gotta do it again!!

12:28 AM


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