having passion

artist rendition of dino ignacio for his 33rd bday!
i went to my friends bday bash/bindlestiff fundraiser last night and had a pretty good time. it was nice seeing everyone to chill and play wii :) didn't get back til 2am which felt like it was still only 10pm. i was happy that everyone enjoyed the drinks that i brought - smironoff ice - grape! everyone kept saying that it was yummy :)
had a really good convo with KC. we talked about theater and i thanked him for his working with SP to get their PCN off the ground... on the day of their performance! i'd be freaking out! but at least they got it done and despite all that happened, i'm still proud of em for pulling it off. i don't know any of them personally to hate them, and i'll leave it at that, but nonetheless they pulled it off. i really hope that it keeps going. i also talked about my plans for theater in sac, and he's agreed to help out! can't wait to get it off the ground!
i also talked to g. i just love to be around her period. we talked about a couple of things, but she said something to me that, if i could, would've made me blush. she said that she saw the passion i have when i performed. honestly, i've NEVER thought of myself that way, even though i just try to be. i guess it's just because i have the most passionate people/artists as friends that when i see all of them perform i'm in awe. not only in their performance, but in their passion. and now for someone to say that to me? it was nice... and hearing it from her.
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