And I'm Off!
thoughts are mad racing again...
stupid internal clock. i went to sleep at 2, closer to 3, and i woke up around 7. not even tired. sucks! but i'm up and just wanted to get some stuff out.
so mad at myself for not writing down a story/dream i had the other night. it was complete and after i woke up it was like the dream lifted and separated, like a good push up bra - not that i would personally know - but it's gone. what i kinda remember it being was that it was about a man and a woman falling out of love and falling in love with another person. i thought that there was a daughter involved, but her involvment in the story escapes me. hopefully it will revisit. hopefully.
i got a card from michelle today. a christmas card. been thinking of her and her family a lot. this time of year has always been so special just because of those years with her family. ever since then, i have adopted the same shopping traditions as them, i buy multiple gifts for one person. small items mind you, but still do. anyways, back to the card. i can honestly say that i don't have romantic, for lack of a better term, inclinations for her, but i really do miss her as a friend. i guess the only thing holding me back from pursuing this friendship, on my part, is that i am afraid that i will miss her that way, and that's something i don't want. don't want or need the complications of that way of thinking, not only for me, but for her and whomever she's with right now. it's like this balancing act that i have to do between friend and something more that clashes with memories of something more. but i feel that now might be, considering IF she's wants to, renew this friendship because i feel like i've grown up quite a bit in these past couple of months. for my own self-preservation, i've needed to. i miss what was once my best friend.

what else, my stupid tracking code doesn't work with the new blogger template i used, so i switched back. i loved seeing where my blog was opened. the image above was all of the spots from around the world that viewed my blog. i really hope that it works this time.
is it ethical for a manager to read his or her employee's personal blog? i'm seeing both sides - 1) dude, if the person puts up her/his blog on the web, then it's on. everyone has the right to view the page. but 2) can a person be dismissed from a job or reprimanded by what is in the blog that the manager reads? maybe that's where the line between employer and employee, friend vs. co-worker, should be drawn. unless the employee writes down I HATE MY BOSS AND I'M GONNA WAIT FOR HIM TO GET OFF OF WORK AND I'M GONNA SLICE HIS NUTS OFF AND DIP IT UP HIS A-HOLE BEFORE SHOVING IT DOWN HIS THROAT! then, well, that's kinda scary and off-limits. (sorry, my imagination runs wild sometimes.) but you get the picture. but other than that, for me, i won't read their blogs. that crosses a line... something that my boss doesn't seem to comprehend. *i wonder if she knows about this blog*
anyways, battery's running low, so ttyl! and thanks for listening.
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