as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Stinky Feet Pizza

I drove up to Sac for a web meeting. I that that I got stood up, but I needed to get a lot of work done. So I went to Sac State just because I haven't been there for a while and I felt a little nostalgic even though the WHOLE campus has changed since I left there. Like where did that bookstore come from across from the Union. I think that's where the daycare place used to be. The union, well, i'm still amazed about the changes there and it's been a long while since it's been there.

Anyways, I chilled at Round Table where I got a salad and an iced tea. After working on the Production Schedule, I got a headache and needed a beer. haha. When I went up to order it i got carded!!! and not only that, she asked me my birthdate and i had to wear a stupid bright orange paper bracelet, the kind you get at clubs! WTF? too funny.

Then I got the call that the meeting was on, and my clients met me there. We went over a lot of stuff, so hopefully I'll have a mock up be the end of the week for them. Just the skeleton :) And then they took me out to lunch/dinner at this korean bbq off of bradshaw.

Ok, I ordered sashimi, my FAVORITE! and when I got it, it was FROZEN!!! Uh, hello, sashimi is meant to be Fresh! isn't Sashimi in Japanese, Fresh! Ew. Then when I said, I can't eat this! the waitress said to let it thaw out! WTF? hell no! And when I asked to get something else, she came by with a menu and opened it up for me, but she WOULDN'T let me hold it for myself! WTF?! I ordered a bbq chicken and chilled. This spiritual thing is working cuz, I didn't really get upset after that, and told myself that that moment of time had already past and time to move on and enjoy the rest of the meal. If anything, it's an interesting experience for a story to tell... and here it is.

New thing #16: Sent back a meal. No, I take that back. There was a time when me and Michelle ordered this one pizza from Planet Hollywood, through the advisement of the waitress, and when we got it it smelled like feet. Eww... so we sent that stinky pizza back.


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