Facebook! I tried joining it a few years ago, but it was restricted to only colleges at the time and I no longer had a sac state account. There are two reasons why I jumped on the bandwagon: 1) i've recently joined at least 15 other social networking groups in the last couple of days to try and collect something new, and 2) i saw that a dear friend of mine had a profile on facebook. And now that i've joined, i got that really cool feeling i had when i first joined friendster... and then myspace... and now this. for one i did a search on my last name, and there are 366 PANGANIBANs up on Facebook! I even joined a group called Panganibans UNITE! there's only 18, make me 19, people part of that group. But woo-hoo! I found my cousin Karen from LA on there.
This is really my 2nd or 3rd day on there and I 24 friends SO FAR, but it's cool! There's all these other do-hickeys i can add to my page if i wish, but i'm a minimal kinda guy when it comes to stuff on a webpage, but it's pretty cool! hope more friends join up... if anything just to check it out. I put a screenshot on this post, so click on it to see what the interface looks like.
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