as my title suggests, yes, i am totally random. but hopefully in the quagmire of all the thoughts that pour in one ear and out the other, i hope to learn more about me, and grow as a person and as an artist.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

still sick

finally full blown sick! blah! monday morning: sore throat. went to work and sore throat went away. tuesday morning: sore throat but didn't go away. went to work but when i got to rehearsal, it went downhill. didn't feel good and left. stayed home wed and today. still went to my playwriting class last night with patty cachepero. she was... cool. a little out there - cute too. a little older than me, and still pretty eccentric. it was an interesting class. kinda sux that it's only 2 sessions though. wish it was longer to learn more. the stories high workshops REALLY helped me a lot, but i've also learned a lot from the different playwriting books that i've bought. the next steps, other than actually writing plays, is attending more workshops. if i had money and time i would seriously consider going to sfsu and major in creative writing because of their playwriting major. but i'm pretty much past that - but i still can take these classes and eventually get more and more of my work out there.

rehearsal was good last night. had a check in with our shadow crew and went through the whole play with what we need to have done and see what the directors were expecting from us. at least we have our screen up and we can start work. after the couple of scenes that i'm in, i hope that i can just stay in the back. what was fun too was that i got to sing with the musicians Bayan Ko to make sure that the chords they were playing were right. G said that he liked my voice. funny, drea said the same thing the other night. i'm like in my head, pshh, listen to mah friends and they can SAAANG! anyways, i got hella shy and said thanks. but it was nice to get see that all three phases (Movers, Shadows, & Music) are starting to FINALLY come together!

still sniffling... nyt!


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